Golden Forest Records
Atlas Castle Atlas Castle Atlas Castle Atlas Castle

Golden Forest Records

Delighted to announce that Golden Forest Records will be the host of one of my upcoming EP to be released later this year. Golden Forest Records is a French record label, exploring the organic side of…

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Jamuary #2023
Atlas Castle Atlas Castle Atlas Castle Atlas Castle

Jamuary #2023

31 days. 31 jams. This year’s Jamuary was really something. The whole community really brought it on many levels. It’s been inspiring to see every one keeping the jams coming on a daily basis…

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Initium Novum.
Atlas Castle Atlas Castle Atlas Castle Atlas Castle

Initium Novum.

Today we're celebrating the new year while showcasing the best of what Petite Victory Collective has to offer. This compilation is a carefully curated mix of 37 electronic music productions that all stays true to PVC's raw…

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